In the near future I hope to do some more balloon tutorials. One written on drawing faces, and another YouTube tutorial, either a doll or a frog. Look out for those coming soon! Does anyone have other suggestions on what you'd like to see.
I'd like fo finish by saying how much I love all my balloon friends. Alas, I may never meet them but they have touched me and made me a better person, both with my balloons and as an individual. Thank you to all of you, I'm very lucky to know you all. Also thanks to new friends! Thanks Magic-Ian for your challenge of a balloon boat! Be sure to see it in my next post... Doesn't that sound like I've already made it?! haha well no, but it will happen!
also on the Friday evening I made the little lady below for a co-worker. I recently started a new job (actually, that happened today!) and I left it on her desk as a farewell balloon. I left her with a note saying "Remember me when this you see" hehe kinda cheesy but fun! I was trying a slightly different method with her hair.
Lastly, thank you to Travis who challenged me to make some balloons with the inspiration of music. Apparently he had been listening to The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack whilst creating balloons and that led me to my musical inspiration! I present to you Ms Christine Daae and the Phantom as Red Death:
.: Going Supanova! :.
.: Challenge! :.
Speaking of birthdays... I had my own on the 13th of March... another year older and wiser! I just wish I had someone to make me balloons on my Birthday :0) I ended up making this almost like a present to myself!
Just about everyone has seen the iconic Sailor Moon, if not if she was made of balloons she'd look a little something like this!
Not quite content with just one attempt, I've also tried V2 and this is how that turned out... (made about 20 days apart).
The 2nd version was inspired by some pictures I saw on a Japanese balloon art site. There were some extremely cute versions of some magical girls from what a little detective work was revealed to be called Heartcatch Pretty Cure. From what I can see I am enchanted by the costumes, I think I know what my next cosplay might be...