The bird is the word. Or for me, the buzz-word! At the moment, my most favourite balloon to make is the balloon cockatoo. You have seen it in my posts before, but I want to share with you some more pictures of the feathered friends I have created!
I had placed an order for some Balloon Magic issues, and some balloons at the same time. One of my foremost goals in doing so was to get the issue where Patrick shared with us hisballoon cockatoo. Don't ask me how I forgot to include it in my order! At the time I also ordered a bag of 660Q's for the bird bodies, and they were out of the black bee bodies that I use for the beak. But all is good as I could still make my birdies! haha

Here is the first of the very large birds, accompanied here by Josh. It was his goodbye from Darwin night, and jokes were abound about the choice of balloon. Good, bad and groan-worthy!

Then there is the balloon bird as a delivery piece to my friends Kylie and Kevin for the birth of their son, Jordon. My camera had flat batteries unfortunately so all I could use was my mobile phone for pictures.
The bird has also been used as a delivery piece to my local vet, and it was well-received! It's also fun to experiment with different colours. Suffices to say, I will never get tired of going to the birds :D

Hehe, I love this picture of the balloon bird with my little Minette Valentina (aka Mousecat). No matter if its balloons or sewing, the cats like to get involved, much to my dismay! But oh my gosh they can sure be cute!
A question to my balloon twisting friends.... What is your favourite balloon to twist?
Those birds are amazing, you have so much talent. Btw. I love your cat too. We have three cats and a 13 yo. dog. Molly the dog hates me making balloons. She goes outside as soon as I get out the pump.
ReplyDeleteI think a good challenge for you would be to make another tutorial.
(My withdrawl symptoms have gone since you updated the blog Hehe).
Thanks as always Ian you are very sweet! :D
ReplyDeleteAnimals and their behaviours can be so gosh darn cute :D My cats usually are okay, and they'll sniff out a sculpture (always when I'm trying to take photos mind you!) One day my Neko was checking out a balloon parody I made of him, when it fell over, scared him silly, and made him run away whilst taking a gouge out of my leg :P still have the scar too haha!
Glad to help with the withdrawl and hope to give you more remedy in the New Year haha!