Wow, how exciting! Today I couldn't wait to get my hands on the newest issue of That's Life! magazine. In case you didn't know, I feature in the magazine with a Christmas Balloons article, the focus on my dress. I created it especially for the intention of appearing in the magazine.
I wanted to share with you some of the photos, which I have been wanting to do ever since I had the fun of making them! Thanks to the very lovely Corinna, for being my photographer for the day. Pictures were taken at Nightcliff beach.

And the picture that didn't stand a chance of making it! haha The sun was in my eyes!
The ladies at the magazine were all very lovely, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to create a balloon outfit for the occasion.
Everything including the present and the top of the boots is made from balloons! (I bet you guessed that already haha)
The other request for the article was a balloon Christmas tree. Whilst I am happy with the outcome... I know it could be better. We can be our own worst critic.
Here are some more photos, of the tree and the awesome that is Corinna...

.: Do you Facebook? :.
If so, please visit A Rainbow of Balloons on Facebook! I'd love to see you there <3
And finally...
.: Challenge Response! :.
Stay tuned for when the next challenge might be issued!